Electronic Resources for studying Sanskrit and other Indian languages
This website contains links to computational tools and resources for analyzing and annotating Sanskrit texts. It is named after the software "SanskritReader", an integrated program for digitizing and tagging Sanskrit texts, which I have developed for my PhD thesis at the FU Berlin. This program has been split into the tagging software "SanskritTagger" and the OCR engines. See below for details of where to find these programs.

In addition, this website presents an introduction into the tradition of Indian alchemy.


OCR Programs for Hindi and Sanskrit
OCR (optical character recognition) is a technique to transform printed text characters into computer readable text.

OCR programs for Hindi and Sanskrit are now available at ind.senz.

Screenshot of HindiOCR
Screenshot of the Hindi OCR program. Click for a larger image.
The software SanskritTagger creates unsupervised part-of-speech and lexical annotations of digital Sanskrit texts. It has been used to build the Digital Corpus of Sanskrit, which is hosted by the University of Heidelberg.

SanskritTagger is available as freeware at ind.senz.

Screenshot of SanskritTagger
Screenshot of SanskritTagger. Click for a larger image.

Linguistic and philological databases

Digital Corpus of Sanskrit
The Digital Corpus of Sanskrit (DCS) presents the content of the linguistic database of SanskritTagger in publicly accessible web interface. It offers features and functions such as unrestricted lemma search, key-words-in-context, parallels, and topics, supporting the philological and linguistic research in Sanskrit literature,

This link redirects you to the Digital Corpus of Sanskrit.

Start page of the DCS
Screenshot of the Digital Corpus of Sanskrit. Click for a larger image.
Indian Alchemy
Follow one of the links below to access the results of the research project Rasavidya. In this project, which was funded by the DFG, I examined the textual tradition of the "medieval" Indian alchemy. Results are published, among others, in the following books and papers:

Oliver Hellwig: Wörterbuch der mittelalterlichen indischen Alchemie. Barkhuis, 2009.
Oliver Hellwig: Alchemical procedures and their implications for the chronology of medieval rasashastra. In: Electronic Journal of Indian Medicine (2, 2009), pp. 53-65.

This website presents the data on which the dictionary is based. You may choose between an English and a German version. The German version is a bit more exhaustive.

Image of a kosthikayantra
Image of a kosthikayantra according to Rasendracudamani. Click for a larger image.
The Indoskript project is a paleographic database for Brahmi and Kharoshti. Both the website and the downloadable database program are in German.
Maintained by Oliver Hellwig
mail: or

Last update: February 2012